Super Upcycle Japanをコンセプトに、
古くなったモノ、価値のなくなったモノ、 廃棄されるモノなどに、
Based on the concept of Super Upcycle Japan,
Things that are old, have lost value, or are being discarded are reborn
as new products by adding value through art and traditional crafts.
We will expand the opportunities of Japanese artists and craftsmen around the world.
Super Upcycle Japanをコンセプトに、
Based on the concept of Super Upcycle Japan,Things that are old, have lost value, or are being discarded are reborn as new products by adding value through art and traditional crafts. We will expand the opportunities of Japanese artists and craftsmen around the world.
About Super Upcycle Japan
当社はそのもう一歩先を目指して Super Upcycle Japan(スーパー アップ サイクル ジャパン)のビジョンを掲げました。中古品に日本の伝統工芸やアートをほどこすことで高い付加価値をつけ、新品時よりも価値のある製品として生まれ変わらせます。
Upcycling refers to the process of applying design and innovative ideas to give items that would otherwise be discarded new value and the potential to extend their lifespan. This can also be considered a type of product upgrade.
We have gone one step further by adopting the vision of “Super Upcycled Japan”. By applying Japanese traditional crafts and art to used products, we aim to add value and transform them into products that are more valuable than when they were new.
About ikiri
現代では否定的な意味で使われることが多い「イキリ」ですが、江戸時代に生まれた日本の美意識 「粋」の真髄を、日本各地に存在するたくさんの素晴らしい伝統工芸、アート、プロダクトの中から、見つけ、組み合わせ、新たな命を吹き込む。未来に繋げたい日本の技術と粋を世界に発信します。
“Ikiri” is an Osaka dialect word meaning “the way or person who tries to look cool and make themselves look good”.
Today, “Ikiri” is often used in a negative sense, but we find the essence of the Japanese aesthetic “iki”, which was born in the Edo period, in the many wonderful traditional crafts, arts and products that exist all over Japan, combine them, and breathe new life into them.
We transmit to the world the Japanese technology and “iki” that we want to connect to the future.
ART MaKi-e fountain pen
意匠性がない、もしくは消尽している中古品の万年筆に日本の伝統工芸である「蒔絵」を現代アートや浮世絵、春画など従来にはない斬新な紋様でほどこし、スーパ ーアップサイクルさせたART蒔絵万年筆です。
The ART Maki-e fountain pen is a super upcycled version of the traditional Japanese craft of maki-e, which is applied to second-hand fountain pens in innovative patterns such as contemporary art, ukiyo-e and shunga(which is an erotic form of ukiyo-e).

▼大河 紀(Nori Okawa)プロフィール
多摩美術大学 グラフィックデザイン学科卒。
無機質な形と極端なディテールのコントラストが特徴で、情緒的な作品を描く。個展など国内外問わず精力的に作品を発表し続けながら、広告ビジュアルやパッケージ、アパレルや装画など、様々な媒体のアートワークを幅広く手がけている。主なアートワークに、Miu Miu、HERMES、TENGAなど。
▼Profile of Nori Okawa
Graduated from Tama Art University, Department of Graphic Design.Her work is characterized by the contrast between inorganic shapes and extreme details, creating emotive pieces.
While continuing to actively present his work both domestically and internationally through solo exhibitions, he also works on a wide range of artwork for various media, including advertising visuals, packaging, apparel, and jacket art. Major works include Miu Miu, Hermes, and TENGA.
本体:モンブラン マイスターシュテュック146 中古品使用
Thickness: 156mm
Without cap: 146mm
Trunk axis diameter: 13mm
Weight: 30g
Material: Acrylic resin/lacquer/pen nib 14k gold
Body: Montblanc Meisterstück 146 Used secondhand item
Limited production period: 30 pieces
*All used fountain pens are maintained by experienced repairmen.

会社名 | ikiri 株式会社 |
設立日 | 2024年1月23日 |
所在地 | 神奈川横浜市中区石川町 1-13-401 |
事業内容 | ・アート、伝統工芸をベースにしたモノづくり及び製造小売業 ・伝統工芸産業支援事業 ・モノの付加価値を最大化するアップサイクル事業 |
お問合せ | |
代表取締役 | 東村 奈保 |
古物取扱許可番号 | 神奈川公安委員会 451360023912 |
Company name | ikiri Co.,xLtd. |
Establishment date | 23 Jan. 2024 |
address | 1-13-401 Ishikawacho Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken Japan |
Business details | ・Art and traditional craft-based manufacturing and manufacturing and retailing ・Traditional craft industry support projects ・Upcycling business to maximise the added value of goods |
Contact us | |
CEO | Nao Higashimura |
Antique dealer license japan | No. 451360023912 |
会社名 | ikiri 株式会社 |
設立日 | 2024年1月23日 |
所在地 | 神奈川横浜市中区石川町 1-13-401 |
事業内容 | ・アート、伝統工芸をベースにしたモノづくり及び製造小売業 ・伝統工芸産業支援事業 ・モノの付加価値を最大化するアップサイクル事業 |
お問合せ | |
代表取締役 | 東村 奈保 |
古物取扱 許可番号 | 神奈川公安委員会 451360023912 |
Company name | ikiri Co.,xLtd. |
Establishment date | 23 Jan. 2024 |
address | 1-13-401 Ishikawacho Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken Japan |
Business details | ・Art and traditional craft-based manufacturing and manufacturing and retailing ・Traditional craft industry support projects ・Upcycling business to maximise the added value of goods |
Contact us | |
CEO | Nao Higashimura |
Antique dealer license japan | No. 451360023912 |
Management team
東村 奈保
Higashimura Nao
Founded the NPO soshare in 2013 with the philosophy of “solving social issues through sharing.”Established Hitotoba Inc. in 2017 with the concept “People and places create towns” (transferred

坂根 大郷
2014年リユース品の買取専門店を創業。2015年トータルサービス合同会社を設立。2016年五右衞門株式会社を設立。2021年「リサイクルを通して付加価値を生み出す」を理念として複数のリユース店を営む傍ら、長坂真護の専属ギャラリー「MAGO GALLERY YOKOHAMA」を運営。複数の大手百貨店での展示会を企画。2024年1月ikiri株式会社 取締役に就任。
Sakane Daigo
Founded a resale shop specializing in used goods in 2014. Established Total Service LLC in 2015 and Goemon Corporation in 2016. In 2021, adopted the philosophy of “creating added value through recycling” while managing multiple reuse stores and operating the exclusive gallery “MAGO GALLERY YOKOHAMA” for Nagasaka Mago. Planned exhibitions at several major department stores. Appointed as a director of ikiri Corporation in January 2024.